푸켓 여행중에 제일 친절했던 호텔을 소개 하려고 합니다.
우선 푸켓 올드타운에 위치해 있는데요,
올드타운에 있는 호텔, 리조트 들이 가격도 저렴하고 다른곳 보다 크기도 큰 것 같다는 생각을 했습니다.
올드타운에 위치해 있어서 그런지 가격대비 숙소 퀄리티가 좋았습니다.
구글 지도에 검색시에는 lamoon resotel 로 검색하시면 나옵니다.
피피섬에서 나온 후 올드타운으로 향했는데
같이 갔던 친구가 술병으로 인해서.. 너무나도 컨디션이 별로 였습니다.
이런 상황을 설명을 하니, 얼리 체크인도 해주었고 오렌지 쥬스가 좋다며 유료 음료를 주기도 했습니다.
그리고 조식 시간도 아닌데 닭죽 까지... 방으로 올려 주었습니다..
정말 너무 친절한 호텔이어서 기억에 남습니다.
이름은 못물어봤지만 데스트에 있던 단발머리 친구.. 너무 고마워 !
저희가 지나 다닐때 마다 몸상태는 괜찮아 졌냐고 물어봐 주었어요 !
정말 친절하고 프랜들리한 라문 호텔 직원들 !
직접 찍은 사진이 없어서 아고다에서 가져 왔습니다.
넓고 쾌적합니다 ! 조식 포함으로 구매를 하여서 조식도 먹어봤는데 아주 신선하고 괜찮았고
야외테이블에서 먹는 재미가 아주 쏠쏠 합니다.
그리고 룸 컨디션도 나쁘지 않았습니다.
청소도 아주 잘되어 있었고, 제일 마음에 들었던건 방안에 큰 창이 있어 젖은 옷들을 말리기에도
너무 좋았습니다.
약간 윗층에서 발망치 소리가 엄청 크게 들리긴 했는데 다행히도 밤에는 안나서 잠도 잘 자고 올드타운 메인 거리랑도
걸어서 10분? 정도 여서 소화시킬겸 걸어 다녔습니다.
올드타운에 머문다면 라문호텔 정말 추천합니다.
I would like to introduce the friendliest hotel during my trip to Phuket.
First of all, it is located in Phuket Old Town.
I thought that the hotels and resorts in Old Town were cheaper and larger than others.
Perhaps because it is located in the old town, the quality of accommodation was good for the price.
When searching on Google Maps, search for lamoon resotel and it will come up.
After leaving Phi Phi Island, I headed to Old Town.
The friend I went with was in poor condition due to alcoholism.
When I explained the situation, they allowed me to check in early and gave me a paid drink, saying that orange juice was good.
And even though it wasn't breakfast time, they even brought chicken porridge to the room.
It was a very friendly hotel and I remember it as such.
I didn't ask his name, but the short-haired friend at the desk... thank you so much!
Every time we passed by, they asked us if we were feeling better!
Really friendly and friendly La Moon Hotel staff!
I didn't take any photos myself, so I took them from Agoda.
Spacious and comfortable! I tried the breakfast because I purchased it with breakfast included, and it was very fresh and good.
It is very fun to eat at an outdoor table.
And the room condition was not bad.
It was very well cleaned, and what I liked the most was that there was a large window in the room so I could dry wet clothes.
It was so good.
There was a very loud sound of hammers from a slightly upstairs room, but luckily it didn't happen at night, so I slept well and was close to the main street of Old Town.
10 minutes by foot? It was so bad that I walked around to digest it.
If you are staying in the Old Town, I really recommend La Moon Hotel.
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